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Kenny Werner. The Melody

Experienced American pianist Kenny Werner has been in jazz for a long time and managed to work with such outstanding musicians as Charles Mingus, Toots Thielemans and Mel Lewis. He does not, though, pamper his fans often with albums. The Melody is his first work in the last seven years.

Werner was certainly assisted in recording his disk by the members of his trio assembled in 1999 — drummer Ari Hoenig from Philadelphia (US) and German bassist Johannes Weidenmueller.

The album comprises seven pieces: three covers and four songs of his own composition. But a cover is a relative notion for Kenny in many ways. He recomposes original melodies, putting a great many new ideas into them, as well as musical humor that is only understandable to professionals. The result is a composition that can only be considered to be the author's work.

Werner plays simply, without a bravura demonstration of technical skills. The Melody is a sample of well-thought-out, beautifully performed jazz where each piece is a story with its own plot and drama, clearly showing how many reserves mainstream jazz has in store.

Source: http://jazzquad.ru/index.pl?act=PRODUCT&id=4126