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Stearica. Fertile

The Italian instrumental trio Stearica from Turin is not one of those groups that churns out album after album. Their debut, released in 2008, was followed by a series of tours, concerts and collaborations with other musicians.

In 2011, they came to Barcelona and were swept up in the demonstrations rocking the capital of Catalonia. And even if we don't know the political leanings of Francesco Carlucci, Davide Compagnoni, and Luca Paiardi, those events along with the Arab Spring that broke out at roughly the same time became the inspiration for their work on Fertile.

The trio is joined by other musicians on the album, including Ryan Patterson of the American punk band Coliseum, Scott McCloud of Girls Against Boys, and Colin Stetson (Arcade Fire, Bell Orchestre and Bon Iver).

Each of the nine tracks is clearly structured and has its own shape. The revolutionary chaos did not affect Stearica's musical style, but it did influence their energy. The tumultuous events in the squares of Barcelona and Cairo are reflected in their melodies.

Source: http://jazzquad.ru/index.pl?act=PRODUCT&id=4096