Burnt out at work?
Refuel in Koktebel!
Turkey a bust?
The party’s swinging in Koktebel!
Looking for an all-inclusive getaway?
Get included in Koktebel!
Get a taste of the jazz
life in Koktebel!
We're boredom exterminators, and we're headed for Koktebel.
Are you with us?
Forget the stereotypes!
Real jazz is in Koktebel!
Forget the stereotypes!
Real jazz is in Koktebel!
Rules for attending Koktebel Jazz Party

Rules for attending Koktebel Jazz Party


All festival visitors are asked to follow the established rules of behavior:

— Be respectful toward other festival guests, event staff, police, Emergency Situations Ministry officers, and other on-site personnel;
— Cooperate with the security process that must be cleared before entering the festival. These checks are done for your own safety;
— Do not violate the accepted standards of behavior, do not use obscene language, and keep the festival site clean.


The following items are not permitted on the festival grounds:

— firearms, non-lethal weapons, gas spray guns, cold steel and items that may be considered as such, even with a license;
— items with a sharp point or a sharp edge, including manicure scissors and nail files made of metal or glass;
— explosives, fireworks and aerosols;


— narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and medicine, with the exception of first-aid kits sealed in their original packaging; all other drugs are allowed if accompanied by a medical prescription and a doctor's note;

Запрещены наркотические сердства

— all alcohol or soft drinks and food in any container, including factory packaging;

Запрещена напитки и еда

— collapsible tents with a metal frame and tents that are pitched with metal pegs.

Палатки запрещены

All pets are banned from the festival site due to the absence of a veterinary control service to check the animals for the necessary vaccinations. This is done for the safety of all visitors.

Проход с домашними животными запрещён

Some of the performers have reserved the right to leave the stage if they notice unauthorized photography and filming. Taking photos and recording video is therefore prohibited without special permission from the festival organizers.

Проводить фото- и видеосъёмку запрещено


We strongly recommend to all festival guests to pay attention to the following:

— suspicious items (if you see something suspicious, do not touch it, and notify the police or festival organizers immediately);
— individuals or groups exhibiting suspicious or aggressive behavior (please immediately notify the police or festival organizers of such cases).

All violations of public order and rules of behavior at the festival should be immediately reported to the police or festival organizers.


Fire safety

Smoking is banned on the festival's premises.

Be alert! If you see open fire, please tell an Emergency Situations Ministry officer, a police officer, and/or the festival organizers.

Курение запрещено

Medical assistance

A first aid facility will be provided at the festival.

Медицинская помощь

Access to the festival

Tickets are required for entry to the festival. Ticket holders will be given wristbands allowing them to leave the site of the main stage and re-enter throughout the day. Anyone with a broken wristband will not be allowed on the festival grounds. Keep your tickets until the end of the event.

The organizers warn guests against buying tickets from individual sellers to avoid scams. You can purchase tickets in advance through the festival's official website or in person at the festival once it has opened.

Koktebel Jazz Party