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Forget the stereotypes!
Real jazz is in Koktebel!

Steve Slagle & Bill O’Connell. Power of Two

Saxophonist Steve Slagle and pianist Bill O'Connell both have substantial concert, tour and session experience and reputable discographies. They are old friends who have often performed at the same jazz venues, but until recently have never played together.

The duo appeared under sad circumstances: in August 2014, 56-year-old jazz pianist Kenny Drew Jr., an old friend and a colleague of Steve's, died. They had performed together in Charles Mingus Big Band and Slagle's quartet while recording Reincarnation. On the day of his friend's death, Steve composed a jazz piece in his memory — "KD JR." After a while, he decided to record a duet album and, for him, the obvious choice was Bill O'Connell.

Steve picked out ten pieces that would complement "KD JR." They were his own pieces, works of Dave Brubeck (The Duke), Bill Evans (Peri's Scope), George Treadwell and Gerald Valentine (I'll Wait and Pray), and Miles Davis (Circle). By September 2014, Steve and Bill had found themselves in the studio and composed another piece, Whistling Spirits, which became the album's final track. The entire recording took just one day.

Today, the Power of Two are ready to meet their audience. Both musicians have put their skills and soul into their music. But no words are needed, just listen!

Sourse: http://jazzquad.ru/index.pl?act=PRODUCT&id=4137